Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Move the 3-Point Line Way Back in the NBA

I'm a huge NBA fan and loved watching the playoffs over the summer. I'm also a huge Warriors fan, and that team, more than any other team in the modern era, changed the way the game is played today. The problem is that the NBA is a copycat league and now every team, and nearly every player, is hoisting up three-pointers left and right. Yes, there are still players like Giannis who make a living scoring in the paint and at mid-range, but exceptions don't disprove the rule. Watch a Tuesday night game 40 games into the season with no real stakes involved. Go ahead, I dare you. It's unwatchable at times. Just a bunch of missed three-pointers.

Thank goodness there are guys like the one who did the video I'm reposting below. He's spot-on with his analysis and offers three very workable solutions. I really, really hope someone in the NBA office sees this video. For the record, I'm in favor of solution #2, where the 3-point line is extended out and it simply runs out of bounds, effectively eliminating the short corner three (I vote for 27 feet as a starting point and would be in favor of 28 feet if percentages are too high at 27 feet after one season). I could live with solution #3, where the corner three-pointers are only live during the final two minutes of the quarter. Solution #1 is absolutely a no-go for me, even though it's a step in the right direction. You'd still have two guys (one in each corner) camping out in the corner on every possession.

The three-point line is simply not enough of a challenge for halfway decent shooters these days. There's no way stretch-fours should be shooting the same kind of shot that Steph Curry does. Reward the truly great long-range shooters like Steph (the GOAT of long-distance shooters), Klay, Tre, and Dame by moving out the line to a distance they will still dominate but that others will have no chance. Then we'll see a resurgence in the variety that makes the NBA a beautiful game.

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